Users are increasingly empowered to personalize natural language interfaces (NLIs) by teaching how to handle new natural language (NL) inputs. However, our formative study found that when teach- ing new NL inputs, users require assistance in clarifying ambigui- ties that arise and want insight into which parts of the input the NLI understands. In this paper we introduce ONYX, an intelligent agent that interactively learns new NL inputs by combining NL programming and programming-by-demonstration, also known as multi-modal interactive task learning. To address the aforemen- tioned challenges, ONYX provides suggestions on how ONYX could handle new NL inputs based on previously learned concepts or user-defined procedures, and poses follow-up questions to clarify ambiguities in user demonstrations, using visual and textual aids to clarify the connections. Our evaluation shows that users provided with ONYX’s new features achieved significantly higher accuracy in teaching new NL inputs (median: 93.3%) in contrast to those without (median: 73.3%).